Our woodworking area has 3 band saws to help you with your project, including a re-saw bandsaw.
Band Saws:
- Jet Bandsaw
- Delta Bandsaw
- Grizzle Re-Saw Bandsaw
- Tool for cutting round stock
Our woodworking area has 3 band saws to help you with your project, including a re-saw bandsaw.
Band Saws:
George Carlson
Jeanie James
Greg Radliff
Kathy Barbieri
George Carlson
Jody Cochran
Raul Garcia
Jim Barron
Matt Folsom
Mark Bush
John Buckley
It is our decision to open now, with restrictions as detailed below. We believe our members are above average, caring individuals who care about their community and one another and will therefore use sound judgment in deciding whether or not to come to the makerspace.
Masks: Everyone must wear a mask before entering the Barn and for the duration of your time at the Barn. Please bring your own.
Two’s a crowd: We want to practice social distancing while also allowing for making. So let’s keep it to one member using each area at a time, i.e. one member in the laser room, one member in the sanding room, one member using the sewing, one doing wood working, etc.
Members with guests: Guests and children are asked to stay at home until we have reliable information that shows the Covid-19 danger is considerably reduced. We are not there yet. Safety and health of our members is top priority.
Call First: To avoid a wasted trip…Call before coming. 832-663-6390 The manager on duty will let you know if there is room for what you are wanting to do. If not, they can help you schedule a better time to come in. We are all going to need to be respectful and considerate of one another during this time.
Kill it!: Germs that is. Cleaning up after yourself just took on a whole new meaning. We are asking you to bring supplies to disinfect before and after in your work space. We will try to have some hand cleaner and wipes available, but it would be best if members could bring their own. Wipe down safety glasses, door knobs, on/off switches and control knobs, keyboards, etc. DO NOT USE WIPES ON METAL EQUIPMENT. Just wash your hands with soap…often.
This should go without saying, but…If you are sick, stay home. If someone in your house is sick, stay home.
While this is our current decision, please know that it is fluid. We will continue to watch the situation and will continue to discuss what is the best course of action. Slack is a great way to stay informed on the minute to minute . We will also send out emails regarding larger changes.
We love and appreciate you all. We pray that we all stay healthy and that, though we’re staying physically distant, our hearts grow closer together. We will focus on the positives and we hope you get to come make something.